Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Mail!

I received my first package from the Secret Mother's Day swap I am in hosted by Heather (chriss1josh2) on SCS. I love these swaps they are so much fun and the ladies who joined could not be better people! There is one more day to sign up for Heathers Secret Girlfriend swap if your interested, there are 5 groups...$5, $10, $15, $20, and $25. I of course had to join all sorts of groups, it gives me a chance to shop without having to feel bad about all that spending. This picture is of my first gift...can you find the Bella? I received cardbackabella today! Plus so many lovely things that I can't contain myself. I can definatly say that all of these things can not total $5, thank you so much "Mommy" you did an excellent job! I love everything!

I have a bunch of other things I have been making, but they are for these secret swaps so I can't really post them. Sorry ladies, I know you want to see them and I want to share, but I don't want to ruin the surprise! I will be taking pictures that I can share at a later time though!

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