I was also tagged with the very same award from the amazing Jessica from the Paper Pretties Team! Not only is she our Design Team Coordinator, but she is an amazing stamper and sweet person. So I thought I might as well combine the two awards, since I did receive the same tag twice! So here we go 7 random/weird facts about me:
1- I am a neat freak! But I have problem where if the mess gets to be too much I have to ignore it or clean it all up completely...thus my room is a disaster.
2- I am a huge HP fan, complete with 2 trips to meet other fellow HP fans. Both trips were amazing and I would go to them again in a heartbeat. I got to see Chicago, so much architecture! Plus I got to go to London and several parts of Scotland for the 7th book release. I had so much fun and met some really great people on both trips.
3- I am a super fast reader, I picked up the Twilight series books 2, 3 and 4 on two Saturday's ago and all three were complete by Tuesday.....plus I did other things as well.
4- This one is funny......my pinky toe acts like a regular pinky, I can make it grab things and bend on its own....odd, but fun to make people squirm sometimes....lol
5- I am a huge DP hoarder, in fact I have been trying to use my DP since I feel bad about hoarding it so much.
6- I can quilt....but I have never completed a quilt. I have three different ones started but I can't seem to sit down and complete one.
7- I have a massive sweet tooth, I try to keep it in check but several candies get me going.